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What Are ‘Grasslands’?

A drone photo of the Ulan Maodu grasslands in Xing ‘an League, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China on Aug. 15, 2022. CFOTO / Future Publishing via Getty Images

Grasslands — also known as savannas, prairies, steppes and pampas — are ecosystems found in parts of the world that do not get sufficient consistent rainfall to support forest growth, but get enough to avoid the landscape turning into desert. Often, grasslands are a transition ecosystem between deserts and forests.

Found on every continent other than Antarctica, grasslands are typically flat and open, making them more vulnerable to human development. Agriculture, overgrazing, drought, illegal hunting, invasive species and climate change are all threats to the health of grasslands and the wildlife who live in their abundant expanse.

Why Are Grasslands Important? Why Do They Matter?

Resilient and beneficial, grasslands and rangelands provide many essential ecosystem services such as acting as habitat for large mammals, burrowing animals, reptiles and pollinators; mitigating flooding and droughts; water filtration; and long-term carbon sequestration.

Even with all the benefits they provide, less than 10 percent of grasslands are protected globally.

Types of Grasslands

Grasslands go by many different names and are made up of two main types: tropical — also known as savannas — and temperate.

The two types appear similar, but have different kinds of soil and are inhabited by a variety of unique creatures depending on their location. As many as 25 large plant-eating species can be supported by the different types of abundant grasses in any given grassland habitat.

Tropical Savannas

Hundreds of wildebeests on a savanna of the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania. Melissa Kopka / iStock / Getty Images Plus

African savannas are home to many iconic animal species, like elephants, lions, giraffes, gazelles, zebras, cheetahs and wildebeest.

The savannas of northern Australia, sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and South America are examples of tropical grasslands. The climate is warm with contrasting rainy and dry seasons. Savannas get most of their rainfall for the year in only a few months, which means trees are without water for long periods of time, inhibiting their growth.

The soil of savannas is not as rich as that of temperate grasslands. Rainfall can vary from year to year — 10 to 40 inches — and season to season. Temperatures are also highly variable, from below freezing to above 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

Vegetation height depends on the amount of rainfall a region gets. Some grasses can be less than a foot tall, while others may be up to seven feet high, with roots extending as deep as three to six feet. Two of the many types of grassland vegetation found in tropical savannas include Rhodes grass and red oat grass.

Because of their moderate rainfall and underground biomass, savanna soil tends to be extremely fertile and beneficial for crops.

Temperate Grasslands

A bison herd on the temperate grasslands of the American Prairie Reserve in Montana. Amy Toensing / Getty Images

Temperate prairies in the U.S. are lively with burrowing creatures such as prairie dogs and black footed ferrets, bison, deer, elk, pronghorns, coyotes, badgers and swift foxes, as well as bird species like larks, sparrows, raptors and blackbirds.

The rich soil of temperate grasslands means grasses are abundant and tall. Galleta and purple needlegrass — native to California — are two of the species found in the temperate grasslands of North America, Northern Mexico and Argentina.

Benefits of Grasslands

Provide Habitat for Many Plants and Animals, Including Endangered Species

A one-horned rhinoceros in Kaziranga National Park in Assam, India. davidevison / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Grassland habitats provide an abundant variety of grasses that wildlife use as a food source, for building burrows and nests and as camouflage from predators and prey.

Wildflowers like hyssop, yarrow and milkweed spring up and carpet grasslands during the rainy season, attracting pollinators that are important to crops and native vegetation. Grassland vegetation has adapted to the grazing, wildfires and drought that regularly occur in the ecosystem.

Mitigate Drought and Floods

Water on a floodplain by the municipality of Eichen in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany on Jan. 24, 2024. Andreas Arnold / picture alliance via Getty Images

The deep root systems of prairie grasses absorb the abundant water that comes with the rainy season, reducing runoff, flooding and erosion. Wells made by roots trap water and act as sponges that slowly release the water into the soil. This ecosystem service is becoming increasingly important as extreme rainfall becomes more common due to climate change.

The deep roots of grassland vegetation also boost drought resistance, as they retain water longer than plants with shallow roots.

Seed Dispersal

Wheat and wildflowers in a meadow in Ukraine. Toltek / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Though most seeds are deposited close to their parent, grassland plants use a variety of creative transport methods to spread their seeds far and wide through the process of seed dispersal. Whether they travel by wind, water or animal courrier, each seed has unique physical characteristics fit for the job.

Some seeds are contained inside fruits animals enjoy, and when they are ingested, the seeds travel with their host until they are deposited somewhere else.

Other plants, like violets, produce seed pods. When they are ripe, they pop open and eject the seeds away from the parent plant. Ants also bring violet seeds into their tunnels where they germinate.

The physiology of seeds like sandburs enables them to get caught on animals, who carry them to another location, sometimes a good distance away. Bison have historically been major seed carriers.

Wind is a common method of seed dispersal for prairie vegetation like milkweed, thistle, wild lettuce, goldenrod, aster and other plants that have little propellers or feathery or wing-like structures that catch the wind. Other seeds are so light and tiny that they are blown easily, like dust.

In moist prairies and wetlands, seeds that are able to float are dispersed by wind, rivers and streams.

Whatever the method, seed dispersal is an ingenious and efficient way for grassland plants to ensure at least some of their seeds have a chance of propagating.

Improve Water and Air Quality

A marsh in Florida. TerryJ / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Grasslands help filter and purify surface water, groundwater and air with their dense, deep roots, which trap rainwater, allowing it to trickle into the soil, where it is cleaned. This is especially important in agricultural areas where harmful chemicals are used. Some farmers plant buffers of grasses alongside ditches and streams to catch excess pesticides, phosphorus, nitrogen and sediment before it makes its way into freshwater sources.

Grassland vegetation cleans the air by removing carbon dioxide — turning it into energy and releasing oxygen as a byproduct through the process of photosynthesis. Plant roots also store carbon in the soil, rather than releasing it into the atmosphere.

In some areas, agricultural runoff contaminates soil, drinking water and groundwater with chemicals, polluted sediment, manure, bacteria and an overabundance of nitrites and nutrients.

Runoff also harms fish and other aquatic life. Grasslands’ carbon-rich soils and vegetation act as a natural filter of agricultural toxins, preventing them from entering waterways.

Roughly half a million tons of pesticides, four million tons of phosphorus and 12 million tons of nitrogen are applied each year to U.S. crops, pointing to the importance of intact grasslands to help maintain the country’s clean freshwater sources.

Generate, Preserve and Renew Soils

Temperate grasslands have dark soil rich in nutrients from their deep, many-branched roots. When vegetation rots, it binds soil together and provides food for living plants.

Savannas, on the other hand, have porous soil with a thin humus layer that drains water quickly.

In addition to the nutrients that come from decaying roots, the bulk of organic matter in grassland soils comes from animal manure. Only a small portion of the soil’s nutrients comes from plant matter.

The consistently rejuvenating process of growth, decay, nourishment and regrowth keeps grassland soils fresh and robust.

Prevent Erosion

Grasslands’ extensive, deep root systems help to prevent erosion by anchoring soil and holding it in place.

The ability of grassland vegetation to increase water permeation and stimulate soil microbes contributes to improved soil structure and healthier soil overall, which means better plant growth.

The root systems of grasslands are denser and more shallow than those of woodlands and grow laterally, providing the best erosion control.

Control Agricultural Pests

Grasslands provide a natural and sustainable form of “pest” control by providing food, breeding sites and shelter for species — like spiders and ground beetles — who consume them. These services are an alternative to the use of toxic chemicals on crops.

Pesticides meant to kill certain “pests” contaminate soil and water and can end up harming or killing pollinators, other insects and larger animals as well.

Expanding grasslands and other natural habitats like hedgerows and forests near agricultural lands — as well as establishing new ones — can help increase this regenerative form of “pest” management.

Act as Carbon Sinks

Plants grow in the marsh of a rewetted portion of the Sernitzmoor peatland near Greiffenberg, Germany on May 31, 2023. Peatland marshes are highly efficient carbon sinks. Sean Gallup / Getty Images

Not only do grasslands sequester a third of the planet’s carbon deep in their root systems and soil, the carbon is not released unless the ground is tilled or dug up. This means that — unlike trees that release their sequestered carbon when they die — undisturbed prairies and savannas are able to store carbon for thousands of years, even when their grasses are destroyed by wildfires.

Their remarkable ability to store carbon contributes to climate stability and helps fight climate change.

Grasslands and Wildfires

Patterns of fire and regeneration in savanna grassland, Marion Downs Wildlife Sanctuary, northern Western Australia. Auscape / Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Wildfires can be beneficial to grassland ecosystems and play an important role in keeping grasslands healthy by helping to prevent woody shrubs, trees and invasive species from taking over the landscape. This helps increase wildflower diversity, which in turn supports pollinators.

Wildfires help maintain vegetation habitat for species that need open, sunny conditions to germinate, like wildflowers and oak trees. Fresh habitat is created after a fire, which sometimes attracts new species, but can also lead to a decline in others.

Native Americans help maintain grasslands for bison and other species by setting fires. The grazing animals enjoy the fresh grass regrowth in that area and graze on it more frequently.

Rangers conduct a controlled burn of the grasslands in Kaziranga National Park, Assam, India on March 3, 2024. Anuwar Hazarika / NurPhoto via Getty Images

Threats to Grasslands

Conversion to Croplands and Grazing Land

The rich soil of temperate grasslands have led to most in the U.S. being converted into farm or grazing land. The loss of so much grassland has destroyed wildlife habitat, affecting many species, including vital pollinators who depend on grassland wildflowers for food. This in turn affects crops and native flowers, which rely on the pollinators for propagation.

Along with agriculture comes increased sedimentation, soil erosion, pesticides, livestock manure and nutrient runoff, which leaches into groundwater, rivers and streams.


Drought can have a major impact on grasslands, reducing the productivity of vegetation and causing massive plant dieoff that can limit species’ geographical distribution.

Native grasslands have evolved to adapt to low levels of precipitation, but unusually severe and prolonged drought is a different story. It can reduce plant abundance and affect the amount of forage vegetation for grazing animals.

Drought and overgrazing during rapid growth periods of a plant’s life also lead to less growth the following year. And when drought and high temperatures cause the green leaf area of plants to be removed, or lack of soil moisture limits the production of carbohydrates, plant growth can be delayed or reduced.

The effects of severe drought are predicted to occur more frequently due to climate change. A 2024 study found that the loss of plant growth was 60 percent higher during extreme short-term droughts when compared with historically more common droughts that are less severe.

Abandoned structures in dry grassland during extreme drought on a ranch near Friant, California on July 14, 2021. David McNew / Getty Images


Overgrazing is a main contributor to degradation of grasslands worldwide. It reduces vegetation cover and degrades topsoil, leading to soil compaction from trampling by wildlife. It also increases soil susceptibility to erosion and reduces infiltration rates.

One of the best ways to ensure grasslands do not become degraded is to support sustainable grazing. Grazing management works best when it takes into account the characteristics of the local environment, as well as factors like elevation, slope, water accessibility and climate.

Reducing the grassland ecosystem’s competitive nature through selective grazing can help thin out some plants while allowing others to become more dense.

Invasive Grasses

Invasive plant species can reduce grassland quality and displace native plants. These non-native grasses may not be able to withstand extreme weather such as wildfires and drought, leading to further loss of habitat.

Illegal Hunting

Illegal hunting has decimated many large animal populations, affecting entire ecosystems. Large animals like elephants crush and eat shrubs and trees, preventing them from overtaking grasses and turning savannas into forests.

Loss of grasses means less vegetation for grazing animals such as the endangered Grevy’s zebra.

Climate Change

As global heating affects Earth’s rainfall patterns, marginal grasslands can turn into deserts.

Additionally, increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere affects the cycle of water, carbon and nitrogen, which controls the exchange of air and gasses in plants — particularly grassland vegetation. When carbon concentrations are higher, plant stomata get smaller in order to save water, reducing transpiration. When this happens, the flow from soil to roots and leaves is also reduced, potentially lowering nitrogen uptake and weakening plants’ ability to perform photosynthesis.

What Can We Do to Support Grasslands?

As a Society?

Education is essential to restoring and conserving grassland habitats for wildlife, essential carbon storage and the many other ecosystem services grasslands provide. Educating farmers and the public about how important grasslands are to the planet — as well as about methods to build and protect healthy, chemical-free soil — will help safeguard these vital ecosystems for the future.

Crop rotation is a key part of building and maintaining healthy soil, as greater plant diversity means more accumulation of organic matter and nutrients, which improves productivity. It can also disrupt the life cycles of “pests,” thereby acting as a natural substitute for toxic pesticides.

Not only do we need to protect and restore grasslands, but we need to safeguard wetlands — a crucial part of grassland ecology — at the same time.

Setting aside more of Earth’s terrestrial habitat for nature is one of the most important ways to help protect grasslands. The creation of nature reserves and state and national parks, the enforcing and expansion of endangered species protections and the repurposing of land and land restoration can all work together to preserve and restore natural ecosystems like grasslands. This serves to enhance biodiversity, conserve soils and vegetation and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Bison on the plains of Yellowstone National Park. hartmanc10 / iStock / Getty Images Plus

It is also important to increase investment in key conservation programs to keep grasslands healthy and intact. We must preserve old-growth grasslands through easements and acquisition.

Grasslands can be restored through the thinning of forested areas that were once open. In addition, controlled burning can stimulate vegetation growth while replenishing calcium stored in dried grasses to the soil.

Biodiversity research is essential to understand the complexity of grassland ecosystems so that we can better protect and restore them for future generations. Planning for the future by seedbanking ensures we continue to have the “right seed” when we need it to reestablish grasslands that are at risk of extinction.

In Our Own Lives?

One of the best ways to help preserve our grasslands is to volunteer with a restoration organization. Citizen science projects like vegetation and soil collection and wildlife monitoring can help researchers to better understand these important ecosystems.

You can support legislation that promotes the sustainable use of land, prevents deforestation and looks after biodiversity in your area.

Opting for sustainable methods of gardening, reducing personal consumption and choosing products from companies that use eco-friendly practices are all ways to support grasslands and the environment as a whole.

Supporting the rights and traditional knowledge of Indigenous Peoples whose stewardship of the land has been sustainable for thousands of years is another important aspect of grassland conservation.

Other ways to help grasslands are to participate in activities like local educational programs, habitat restoration and clean up efforts. Bring friends and family along with you!


An African elephant grazes near Kilimanjaro in Kenya. 1001slide / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Grasslands are vitally important for biodiversity, nature and climate. They are essential habitat for billions of animals — such as the African elephant, long-billed curlew and black-footed ferret — throughout the world. They store roughly a third of the Earth’s carbon while providing climate resilience against heat waves, drought and wildfires. They are crucial for the food security, energy and livelihoods of many communities throughout the planet.

Despite their importance, grasslands are remarkably unprotected. From 2016 to 2020, 10 million acres of Great Plains grasslands were destroyed — mostly for crop agriculture. The destruction of grassland habitats is one of the main contributors to the steep decline of grassland birds, more than 300 species of which call the ecosystem home.

Grasslands provide natural solutions for carbon sequestration while reducing climate change impacts. Restoring and protecting them not only bolsters habitat and improves landscape resilience, it supports wildlife, rural and Indigenous communities and the ecological balance of the planet as a whole.

The post Grasslands 101: Everything You Need to Know appeared first on EcoWatch.

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Scientists Develop a Feeding Tool for Coral Reef Restoration



Scientists at The Ohio State University have developed a new device known as Underwater Zooplankton Enhancement Light Array (UZELA), which will help promote more feeding sources for coral restoration.

UZELA is a submersible, programmable light that can be deployed at a site for up to six months on one battery. If the devices need any maintenance, trained divers can easily handle this. UZELA turns on for about one hour per night, and the emitted light helps increase concentrations of zooplankton while minimizing artificial light disruption to other marine species. This allows corals more feeding opportunities, according to the scientists.

The team tested the device near two native corals in Hawaii, Montipora capitata and Porites compressa. After running the UZELA, the amount of locally concentrated zooplankton increased seven-fold, while the coral feeding rates increased between 10- and 50-fold. The scientists published their findings in the journal Limnology and Oceanography: Methods.

“Coral reefs house one-third of all marine species, yet occupy less than 1% of the ocean,” Andréa Grottoli, lead author of the study and earth sciences professor at The Ohio State University, said in a statement. “They are disproportionately responsible for ocean health and we’re at risk of losing them.”

Coral reefs are threatened by extreme heat stress. Last year, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) warned that the world was experiencing its fourth mass coral bleaching event, which is when the corals lose symbiotic algae that provide nutrients to the corals because of extreme heat. From February 2023 to April 2024, NOAA found that about 60.5% of global corals had experienced bleaching.

Bleaching can make coral more vulnerable to disease and die-off, and water temperature and conditions must return to normal for algae to return to coral. However, by concentrating zooplankton near coral, they can feed and obtain nutrients to help their road to recovery.

With such great threats facing coral reefs, the study authors noted that UZELA is only one temporary solution to the plight of reef systems. For now, it could work in some of the most vulnerable and important reef systems to boost restoration efforts until more substantial actions are taken to minimize stressors that trigger bleaching.

Labeled (a) top view of lens cap (7cm diameter) and (b) and (c) side view (20cm tall) photographs of UZELA (Underwater Zooplankton Enhancement Light Array) (Grottoli, Jackson, and Steck 2023, PCT/US2023/078357). Photos by AM Hulver

“Think of it as a band-aid for about a couple decades,” Grottoli said. “It can protect some corals in some places, sometimes.”

Currently the UZELA devices are made by hand, but the scientists are collaborating with a local engineering company to redesign UZELA for scalability. The updated device could be ready within one to three years, according to Grottoli.

“We are not mitigating climate change fast enough to save coral, and UZELA is not going to instantly save coral reefs,” Grottoli said. “But it is an exciting solution that will buy us time as we work toward a more sustainable environment.”

First paper ever alert! We found that locally increasing zooplankton using the Underwater Zooplankton Enhancement Light Array (UZELA) can increase feeding in two Hawaiian coral species up to tenfold.…

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— Shannon Dixon ( February 6, 2025 at 3:15 PM

The post Scientists Develop a Feeding Tool for Coral Reef Restoration appeared first on EcoWatch.

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9 Gorgeous Sustainable Tables to Gather Around (2025)



Whether the family is sitting down for dinner in the kitchen or you and your roommates are marathoning Netflix in the living room, the sustainable tables from these brands will be your new gathering places for enjoying meals, drinks, and conversations together.

The sustainable table brands featured in this guide have furniture for any of your living and dining places:

  • Dining tables,
  • Side tables,
  • Coffee tables, and
  • Bar tables.

But first, you might be wondering: what is a sustainable table anyway?

What to Look for in a Sustainable Table

The word “sustainable” is used frequently and in so many different contexts that it can be difficult to pinpoint what exactly sustainable means.

That said, here are some key elements to consider when looking for your next coffee table, dining table, or desk.

Eco-Friendly Materials

When it comes to eco-friendly tables, wood is the most common material used because it’s a natural, renewable, and durable material that works with nearly any room or interior design style.

Note: If you find a brand that uses engineered wood or pressed wood, make sure to look on their website or ask about what adhesives are used. These products are often made from wood pieces that are bond together with glue that contains formaldehyde, which the EPA classifies as a “probable human carcinogen”.

Here’s what to look for to ensure sustainably-sourced wood:

  • Reclaimed Wood. Using existing resources reduces waste and the need to cut down additional trees. Plus, reclaimed wood — especialcan add authentic character to your table!
  • FSC-certified. The Forest Stewardship Council’s certification is the most widely used verification for responsible forestry practices. Just like any other large certification, the FSC seal is not perfect but can be an additional seal of approval to look for.
  • Traceability. Look to see if the brand can tell you where the wood was sourced from. Usually, smaller furniture brands will be able to have more transparency and traceability of their supply chain!
  • Local sourcing. Locally-sourced wood (from native or climate-appropriate trees) is preferable because sourcing locally reduces emissions from transportation.

Zero-VOC or Low-VOC Finishes

Similar to paints, finishes can contain Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Not only do VOCs create environmental hazards like air pollution and smog but they also pollute your indoor air too.

According to the EPA, health impacts of VOCs include:

  • Eye, nose, and throat irritations
  • Headaches and nausea
  • Damage to the liver, kidney, and central nervous system
  • Some VOCs are also known or suspected carcinogens

All too often we think of environmental sustainability as something separate from ourselves — something “out there in nature”.

But as with so many aspects of sustainability, what’s healthy for the environment is also often healthy for us as well — humans are, in fact, part of the environment. That’s why this sustainable table guide only includes non-toxic tables, too.

Other Sustainability Initiatives

Some other initiatives to look for from sustainable table brands include:

  • Use of renewable energy to power their operations or the purchase of renewable energy credits to offset fossil fuel energy use.
  • Take-back and/or repair programs to extend the life of their tables.
  • Quality manufacturing that ensures durable products built to last.
  • Trustworthy tree planting projects, especially if the company uses wood for their products.

Where to Find Sustainable Tables

Just as with fashion, looking secondhand first is a great way to find eco-friendly furniture at a more affordable price. Check out your local flea markets, secondhand stores, and keep an eye out for estate sales.

For online secondhand options, check out:

If you’re looking for a new eco-friendly table made from responsibly-sourced or reclaimed materials, take a look at the brands below!

Disclaimer: This guide includes affiliate links and partners, but as always all brands are vetted rigorously for sustainability and are brands we love, that we think you’ll love too

Best for Dining Tables: Medley

walnut wood sustainable dining table with 4 chairs

Medley uses only FSC-certified walnut or maple hardwood for their solid wood eco-friendly dining tables and accent tables. Each table is finished with an all-natural furniture polish that consists of just beeswax, carnauba wax, and olive oil. And every table, just like the rest of Medley’s furnishings, is made in their own workshop in Los Angeles.

Conscious Qualities: FSC-Certified Wood, Transparent Local Production, Non-Toxic Finishes, Plants Trees

Price Range: Side tables start at $745 | Dining tables start at $2995

Check Out Medley

Best for Side Tables: Avocado

Sustainable wood tables from Avocado

Founded as a non-toxic mattress brand, Avocado has now expanded into a variety of sustainable and non-toxic furniture like beds, dressers, and of course tables.

Their collection of eco-friendly tables includes accent tables, side tables, benches & stools, and a beautiful zero waste coffee table. Every table is made to order in the company’s Los Angeles woodshop from either reclaimed wood, FSC-Certified solid wood, or even 100% upcycled wood (which is not particleboard or fiberboard).

The Sustainable Furnishings Council member also uses non-toxic finishes and glues, like zero-VOC stain and safe odorless glues. And, Avocado offsets more than 100% of their emissions and has several product- factory- and company-level certifications of note.

Conscious Qualities: Made-To-Order In Avocado’s Own LA Woodshop; Uses Reclaimed and Sustainably-Sourced Materials; Non-Toxic Finishes; Renewable Energy-Powered Operations

Price Range: Side tables start at $329

Check Out Avocado

Best Sustainable Coffee Table: Sylvan Craft

sustainable wooden coffee table from Sylvan Craft

Perhaps you’ve heard of slow fashion or slow food — well Sylvan Craft is the epitome of slow furniture with their “Forest to Table” approach.

Sylvan Craft’s heirloom-quality tables (and other furniture) are all crafted with care from solid wood by their Amish business partner. And it’s not just any wood — this is wood that was sourced from Sylvan Craft’s own sustainably managed forest. Since their entire process from harvest to finished furniture takes place within a 5 mile radius, this “hyper-local” business also boasts a small carbon footprint and impressive average 8-10 week lead times on delivery. Blanket-wrapped shipping also minimizes packaging waste.

On a mission to preserve and restore forests through sustainable forestry and land management, Sylvan Craft has a meticulous forest management plan that centers on forest health. They employ selective harvesting (i.e. prioritizing damaged or dead trees for their wood), plant a variety of tree species to promote forest biodiversity, and use low-impact timber removal practices instead of heavy machinery.

Sylvan Craft’s selection of sustainably-crafted tables includes end tables, sofa tables, coffee tables, dining tables, and benches.

Conscious Qualities: Sustainable Forestry Management, Hyper-Local, Traceable Supply Chain, Heirloom Quality, VOC-Free Finish Option

Price Range: Side tables start at $525

Check Out Sylvan Craft

Best for Durability: Emeco

Eco-friendly tables made from recycled materials by Emeco

Handcrafted in their own factory near Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Emeco’s minimalist sustainable tables are made to pass commercial-grade standards, ensuring they’ll be pieces for decades (if not generations!) to come.

The brand uses sustainably-harvested ash or reclaimed accoya wood and recycled aluminum to create their industrial-chic pieces. Many of their pieces are Cradle to Cradle Gold Certified, and are free of toxic chemicals like VOCs and formaldehyde.

One major bonus of Emeco’s sturdy eco-friendly tables? Most of them are suitable for outdoor use too. (Check out more sustainable outdoor furniture in this guide.)

Conscious Qualities: Sustainably-Sourced and Recycled Materials, Crafted in the Pennsylvania, Contract Grade Quality

Price Range: Tables start at $1740

Check Out Emeco

Best For Extendable Sustainable Tables: Copeland

walnut extendable sustainable dining table

If you’re looking for an eco-friendly dining table with a bit more flexibility, Copeland is going to be your best bet. The sustainable furniture company has solid wood tables in walnut, oak, and cherry wood available with leafs. Some table styles even have a double leaf extension for accommodating extra large dinner parties.

Copeland’s furniture is made-to-order in Bradford, Vermont and the company sources most of their wood within 500 miles of the factory. Speaking of Copeland’s factory, the brand doesn’t stop at sourcing sustainable materials but also has a solar array installed on the factory’s property and uses wood waste to heat the building. And the tables are low-toxic with a GREENGUARD certified finish.

Conscious Qualities: Domestically Sourced Hardwood, Made in the US, Made-to-Order, Durable, GREENGUARD Certified Finishes

Price Range: Side tables start at $508 | Dining tables start at $850

Check out Copeland @ Urban Natural

Best Artisan-Made Accent Tables: The Citizenry

natural rattan coffee table and solid wood nightstand from The Citizenry

The Citizenry has the most beautiful artisan tables ideal for completing your natural cozy minimalist aesthetic or adding an earthy touch to your bold boho living room. The brand has sustainable coffee tables made from natural rattan and eco friendly side tables and nightstands made from hinoki or mindi wood.

Every single product sold on The Citizenry is handcrafted in a fair trade environment, and their natural non-toxic tables are no exception. Most of this retailer’s sustainable side tables and coffee tables selection was made in Indonesia by artisans using traditional crafts.

Conscious Qualities: Artisan-Made, Fair Trade, Cultural Preservation, Natural Materials

Price Range: Starts at $349

Check Out The Citizenry

Best Non-Toxic Coffee Table: Savvy Rest

walnut eco-friendly coffee table made with non-toxic finishes

Non-toxic furniture brand Savvy Rest has a simple timeless coffee table made in Central Virginia from solid wood. Each table is made with responsibly-sourced maple — a durable yet lightweight hardwood — and is available unfinished or in a variety of zero-VOC finishes: linseed oil, walnut, cedar, or mahogany.

Conscious Qualities: Zero-VOC Finishes, Local Production, Sustainably-Sourced Wood

Price Range: $779+ for coffee table

Use code CONSCIOUSSTYLE20 for 20% off all products on Savvy Rest!

Check Out Savvy Rest

What About More Affordable Sustainable Tables?

When looking for affordable sustainable furniture, we always recommend checking secondhand first! Try estate sales, garage sales, local resale shops, or online platforms like FB Marketplace and OfferUp.

If you’d like to find a new table or just can’t seem to find what you’re looking for used, here are a couple options to check out.

Affordable Dining Table: Adyn

Black and wood sustainable affordable table

Adyn is a family-owned business founded by a Portland-based Architect and her son. Their signature furniture piece — the Center Table — is entirely made in Oregon. These tables, which are offered in three sizes, are versatile pieces that can function as dining room tables, desks, vanity tables, or minimalist console tables. They are designed to be long-term pieces, and the company shares that they can be assembled and reassembled in just minutes.

Committed to responsible sourcing, 100% of the wood Adyn uses is from a single wood mill in Oregon. All of the tabletop sizes are offered in three finishes: you can select from natural/white maple, which is finished with an FSC-certified White Maple veneer, or laminate, which is made with partially post-consumer recycled materials. The laminates Adyn uses are made in the US and have sustainability certifications like GREENGUARD Gold, NSF, and SCS.

*Note: While we typically recommend solid wood furniture, Adyn reports that their plywood is free of UF (urea-formaldehyde) adhesives.

Conscious Qualities: Responsibly-Sourced Materials, Made in Oregon, FSC-Certified Wood

Price Range: $1000 – $1800

Check Out Adyn

Affordable Coffee Table: Sabai

eco-friendly coffee table made from recycled steel and wood - Sabai

Sabai is a leader in sustainable furniture with their use of eco-conscious materials, ethical production practices, and low-waste shipping. Not to mention they’re committed to circularity with both a repair program and a resale program, called Sabai Revive.

Their City Table is so exception. This eco-friendly coffee table is made using recycled steel, wood sourced from urban fallen trees in Baltimore and a non-toxic, zero VOC water-based finish. Did we mention the brand is also a certified B-Corporation?

Conscious Qualities: Recycled & Natural Materials, Zero VOC Finish, Circularity Program

Price Range: $595

Check Out Sabai

We hope you enjoyed this guide to sustainable tables! Looking for more furniture & home furnishings?

Check Out These Sustainable Home Guides:

15 Ethical Home Decor Brands for Your Conscious Space

The Best Places to Find Eco-Friendly Furniture

Sustainable Non-Toxic Sofas for Truly Restful Relaxation

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9 Gorgeous Sustainable Tables to Gather Around (2025)

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20 Best (Stylish!) Slow Fashion Brands That’ll Help You Leave Fast Fashion in the Dust



It’s time to leave fast fashion in the dust — with one-of-a-kind designs, quality fabrics, and the assurance your dollars are supporting a more responsible fashion industry, these slow fashion brands are sure to win you over.

Before we go any further, though, I think we need to clarify what exactly slow fashion is…

What Do We Mean By “Slow Fashion?”

Slow fashion is about being more mindful and thoughtful about how clothing (and other fashion items) are being produced, how they’re being purchased, and how they’re being used/worn.

Instead of mass-producing garments cheaply and quickly, slow fashion production is about creating a piece to last by using high-quality materials, transitional designs (i.e. not super “trendy”), and durable construction.

For individuals, slow fashion purchasing habits means buying less, but better. A slow fashion mindset is all about choosing well — it’s about picking well-made items that are built to last and also selecting pieces that fit your lifestyle and body well, to ensure they’ll not only be durable but will actually be useful for years to come.

Adopting slow fashion in your life, though, doesn’t necessarily have to mean spending money — this concept is also about slowing down to appreciate your clothes and closet. Slow fashion can mean wearing what you have as much as possible, mending and repairing worn clothing, or upcycling and DIY-ing.

Slow Fashion vs. Eco-Fashion vs. Ethical Fashion

While slow fashion is a term that’s often used quite generally, it’s important to note that some larger ‘green’ fashion brands use mass-production models to create their organic or recycled clothing to increase output and reduce costs.

Slow fashion companies to me — and the criteria used to select brands for this guide — are brands that produce in smaller batches, make most of their pieces by hand, craft each piece with attention to detail and quality, and ideally, partner with skilled artisans, sewers, and craftspeople (who are of course fairly paid).

Now without further ado, here are our picks for…

The Best Slow Fashion Brands

To be clear: you do not need to purchase from slow fashion brands to participate in slow fashion. However, when the time comes that you want to add a new piece to your wardrobe, you probably want your dollars to go towards supporting responsible brands that are doing things better; that are producing with quality and intention.

You want to invest in pieces for the long-haul — and pieces that have a positive impact. And these slow fashion brands will help you do just that.

Note that this article features affiliates and partners. As always, we only feature brands that meet high standards for sustainability that we love — and that we think you’ll love too!

1. Christy Dawn

Feminine and vintage-inspired, Christy Dawn’s dresses are a true dream. And so are their sweaters, jumpsuits, bottoms and every other garment they sell.

Each garment is ethically sewn in Los Angeles or India by makers earning living wages, and is made with regenerative cotton grown by their partners Oshadi Collective in India, organic cotton, or deadstock fabrics.

Conscious Qualities: Eco & Regenerative Fabrics, Ethical Production

Size Range: XS – 3XL + petite sizes

Price Range: $$$

model wearing a blue slow fashion dress from Christy Dawn

2. Asket

Asket is upping the ante for slow clothing by offering a responsibly made timeless permanent collection that transcends trends.

The brand also details their ecological footprint in their Impact Reports, has 93% product traceability down to the raw material level, and shows the exact cost breakdown of each product.

This slow fashion label also has a care program, repair program, and revival program

Size Range: XXS – XXL

Price Range: $$

model wearing a white button-up and sweater as a scarf from the slow fashion brand Asket

3. Kotn

Kotn creates timeless, high-quality essentials with a focus on traceability and social impact. The brand works directly with family-run farms in Egypt to source its premium, long-staple cotton, ensuring fair wages and ethical production. Beyond apparel, Kotn reinvests in the communities it works with, funding education initiatives and infrastructure projects.

Conscious Qualities: Ethically-Sourced Cotton, Direct Trade Partnerships, Fair Wages, Community Investment, B-Corp certified

Size Range: XS–XL

Price Range: $$

Model wearing black sweater from slow fashion brand Kotn

4. Solios Watches

Ask any watch owner and they’ll know just how much upkeep goes into maintaining a timepiece, especially when it comes to battery replacements. Fortunately, Solios’ watches will help wearers save on the waste of over 20 quartz batteries within the lifetime of the watch.

If most movements were powered by solar energy like Solios’ watches, 1 billion watch batteries would be saved each year.

Using materials like recycled stainless steel, eco vegan cork leather, and plastic-free packaging, these watches are both as elegant and sustainably-minded as they come.

Conscious Qualities: Powered by Renewable Energy, Sustainable Materials, Plastic-Free Packaging

Price Range: $$$

model wearing silver watch from Solios

5. Oneoff

Affordability is one of the most commonly cited barriers to slow fashion. Oneoff is helping bridge this gap, while reducing pre-consumer fashion waste. As an off-price retailer, Oneoff sources excess inventory from slow fashion brands and sells them for up to 60% off. This helps brands reduce wastage and gives consumers access to responsibly-made garments at more accessible price points.

Conscious Qualities: Sources From Conscious Labels, Helps Reduce Clothing Waste

Size Range: XS – XXL

Price Range: $

models wearing white and black two-piece slow fashion clothing sets

6. Banai

If you’re in the market for a unique look that’ll help you stand out while supporting a heritage Indian craft, then you’ve come to the right place. Banai offers an array of timeless pieces that are treated with natural dyes and feature distinctive embroidered patches that have been crafted by artisans from Kutch, Gujarat.

Craftsmanship is at the center of everything that Banai does, so the expectation of receiving a well-made, high-quality item that’s sure to become a wardrobe mainstay isn’t too far-fetched!

Conscious Qualities: Handcrafted, Natural Dyes, Zero Waste, Small Batch production, Pays Fair Wages

Price: $$-$$$

model wearing orange jacket from slow fashion label Banai

7. Brook There

Founded with ethics and sustainability at the heart of their business, Brook There creates comfy organic cotton undergarments with care.

They keep their production close to home — their undergarments are cut and sewn in a small mill town in Massachusetts and their GOTS-certified organic cotton yarn is even milled and dyed in California.

Size Range: XS – XXL

Price Range: $

Conscious Qualities: GOTS-Certified Organic Fabrics, Domestic Production

organic cotton undergarments from Brook There


Your classic white shirt just got a major upgrade. GRAMMAR NYC crafts garments inspired by the classic wardrobe staple that are anything but basic.

Conscious Qualities: Uses Organic Cotton, Ethical and Small-Batch Production

Size Range: 0 – 12

Price Range: $$$

white button-up dress from sustainable slow fashion brand GRAMMAR NYC

9. Valani

Plant-based clothing brand Valani creates feminine slow clothing for lighter living. Valani’s dreamy garments are made from low-impact fibers like hemp, Tencel, and banana viscose. Additionally, the brand uses strategic cutting techniques and reuses fabric scraps to minimize waste.

Conscious Qualities: Eco Fabrics, WOC-Owned, Sustainable Packaging, Gives Back

Size Range: 0 – 12

Price Range: $$$

hemp top and pants from slow fashion label Valani

10. ABLE

Ethical fashion brand ABLE has slow clothing and fair trade accessories made ethically by makers around the world.

ABLE is leading the way for transparency in the fashion industry by publishing their wages.

They have their ABLE Signatures, which are foundational wardrobe pieces like white t-shirts, alongside their pretty blouses, cozy knitwear, and detailed dresses.

Conscious Qualities: Transparent and Ethical Production

Size Range: XS – XL

Price Range: $ – $$

denim jean jacket from ethical slow fashion brand ABLE

11. Eileen Fisher

Sustainable designer Eileen Fisher has long been ahead of the curve when it comes to earth-minded practices.

Their team produces minimalist slow clothing crafted with care from better fabrics like organic linen, hemp, and regenerative wool.

Conscious Qualities: Eco Fabrics, Circular Model (has take-back program)

Size Range: XS – 3XL + petite sizes

Price Range: $$$

brown cord set from slow fashion company Eileen Fisher

12. Saya Designs

Level up your updo with a bit of help from the wooden hair accessories from Saya Designs. Handmade in Indonesia from waste root wood offcuts left over from plantations, you’ll find a range of hair forks, sticks, slides, and combs for all hair types and textures.

Made from the roots of rosewood, tamarind, and teak, these accessories are designed in natural shapes that are inspired by the flora and fauna in Indonesia and are sure to shower you with compliments every time you wear them.

Conscious Qualities: Natural Materials, Plastic-Free, Recyclable Packaging, Gives Back

Price: $$

Wooden hair accessories from slow fashion brand Saya Designs

13. Tradlands

Rather than following the trends of the moment, Tradlands designs classic, functional pieces that will become wardrobe staples. Many of Tradlands pieces are made with ecologically-minded fabrics like linen and Tencel, too.

Conscious Qualities: Ethical Production, Many Eco Fabrics

Size Range: XXS – 3XL

Price Range: $$

Slow minimalist fashion brand Tradlands

14. Covry

If you’re in the market for a new pair of sunglasses or looking to update your outdated prescription frames, then Covry has you covered! Using sustainable materials like plant-based acetate that come from cotton and wood pulp, their diverse range of eyewear is a far cry from any of the flimsy plastic or metal frames you’re bound to find in the market.

When it comes to eyewear, one size doesn’t fit all, which is why Covry eyewear boasts of an Elevated Fit® that has been designed to rest easy on all face shapes and sizes. No more headaches from tight frames.

Conscious Qualities: WOC-Founded, Natural Materials, Plastic-Free, Size Inclusive

Price: $$$

Sunglasses from slow fashion brand Covry

15. OhSevenDays

OhSevenDays is a sustainable slow fashion brand that creates gorgeous pieces out of would-be waste. While the label used to source from middlemen deadstock fabrics, the brand now sources certified organic and recycled fabrics directly from mills, which enables better transparency.

Their zero waste misfits collection features imperfect pieces for lower price points.

Conscious Qualities: Sustainable Fabric Sourcing, Intentional Production

Size Range: XS – XL

Price Range: $$

Red ruffle off the shoulder dress from slow fashion brand OhSevenDays

16. Kayu

Beach-ready accessories you just might want to wear all year long, Kayu creates straw bags and hats that’ll mentally transport you to a tropical destination, even if travel is not on your cards.

Using natural straw and raffia, Kayu’s bags and hats are handcrafted using time-honored techniques by artisans in the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Ecuador, who earn a living wage. Their bags come in a covetable range of shapes and sizes to suit all your needs.

Our suggestion? Don’t just restrict these beauties to the beach, make like a chic Parisian and use them to store a baguette or bouquet of flowers next time you’re taking a stroll down the farmers market.

Conscious Qualities: Natural Materials, Fair Labor, Zero Waste

Price: $$-$$$

Straw bag from slow fashion brand: Kayu

17. Santos by Monica

If you’re the kind of person who needs to carry your essentials at all times, then look no further. Santos by Monica’s handbags come in various deceptively spacious shapes and sizes, ranging from mini shoulder bags to XL totes.

Available in sculptural shapes and bold colors, even the tiniest bag seems roomy enough to hold at least four to five of your essentials.

Their vegan leather handbags are made using a cactus-based biomaterial and are lined with organic cotton.

Conscious Qualities: Biomaterials, Zero Waste, Small-Batch Production

Price: $$$

Green bag from slow fashion brand: Santos by Monica

18. Not Perfect Linen

As the name implies, this conscious fashion brand produces garments made from linen! Linen is a favorite fabric in the slow fashion community because of its lower environmental impact, versatility (thermo-regulating so it works in cold and hot), and natural beauty.

Conscious Qualities: Eco Fabrics, Made-to-Order

Size Range: XS – XL + custom sizes

Price Range: $$

Sustainable and slow fashion from Not Perfect Linen

19. Brother Vellies

Shoes made with a soul, Brother Vellies is keeping traditional African crafts alive through their range of luxurious yet timeless footwear. Handcrafted using vegetable-tanned leathers, recycled tire soles, and hand-carved wood, their styles will take you from corporate hour to cocktail hour seamlessly.

If you’re looking for something to compliment their covetable range of shoes, Brother Vellies also offers a collection of small handbags and belts that are sure to transform even the most basic look.

Conscious Qualities: Fair Labor, Better Materials

Price: $$$

Black and white high heels from slow fashion brand Brother Vellies

20. Apse

An appealing brand for sartorial minimalists, Apse creates unisex jewelry that doesn’t disappoint. From delicate rice pearl bracelets to subtle pendants that were made for not taking off, Apse creates its gorgeous pieces using recycled metals and responsibly sourced stones.

All of their jewelry is handcrafted on a made-to-order basis to eliminate excess inventory and waste, so expect to be patient with your orders when you shop with them.

Conscious Qualities: Slow Fashion, Recycled Materials

Price: $$-$$$

Unisex golden jewelry from slow fashion brand Apse

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20 Best (Stylish!) Slow Fashion Brands That’ll Help You Leave Fast Fashion in the Dust

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